Thursday 3 January 2013

Anyone Hiring?

Bonjour Homo-journal-ers, 'tis good to be back.

 I have to admit, last september I thought our blog had died and gone to bloggy heaven. Hopefully, this year, we won't all burn out… 

Thus, resolution numero uno: I will blog every week. *stares at everyone else* this is your resolution too.. 
But don't worry, if you forget - my resolution number 2: I will help harass other homojournalists into blogging every week….

Those who post on time shall be rewarded
For the most part, I don't usually do new year's resolutions, because.. 
1) I never manage to keep them
2) I seem to forget them within a couple of days
3) Having a resolution has a negative effect (e.g. I will give up chocolate… fuelled a giant chocolate binge last year)

And lastly, 
4) I can never think of any good ones.. I need it to be a resolution...
I asked around this year. A lot of people suggested "Why don't you make it your resolution not to have a resolution?" - I do that often.. 

My mother, when asked told me "You've got to get a job.". Urk. 
I quit my job at the local Green Grocers a couple of weeks ago, and since then.. I've been lazy. Hey, it's been the holidays, you can't blame me. 

But yes.. from the new year, 
I shall try to not be. I shall look for another job. 

eli x

ah, and before I forget...

1 comment:

  1. You cannot have the resolution not to have resolutions!! It means you already failed!!


Oh wow, you're going to comment? Thanks! You'll make us feel all special and fuzzy inside.

It'll take us up to 48 hours to get round to making sure your heartfelt messages of admiration and love don't contain any words they shouldn't, but it *might* take less, depending on whether we're drunk or on covert missions to Ann Summers at the time.