Friday 6 July 2012

I'm noticing a pattern here...

This is another post that's coming to you from the past - or rather, this is another busy Friday. Yes, it's results day today (when you read this, obviously), and we're all panicking and having heart attacks and getting drunk as a result. Not me. When this post goes out, I'll be on my way back to school for the technical rehearsal of our school production of Oliver! - I'm in the pit this year, and the musicians are, as always, the people who get it all right consistently. But no hard feelings, eh, they're only actors...

So how does this work then? Any sane person wouldn't put themselves through the torment of going willingly to school on results day, how could anybody ever concentrate?! I don't know. I don't even know where this post is going, I think my five minutes are nearly finished. So I shall promptly change the subject to that of not knowing what to change the subject to.

I hate it when I can't think of a decent topic to switch to; I usually pick the weather and then there's always a really awkward pause in life. Nine times out of ten, we end up back on the original topic. I won't let that happen, because it'll kill me, so before I do, I shall bid ye farewell.

PS: I should point out that after last week's prom, I can confirm that the man of my dreams was not there, and I was not whisked off into the sunset by him.

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Oh wow, you're going to comment? Thanks! You'll make us feel all special and fuzzy inside.

It'll take us up to 48 hours to get round to making sure your heartfelt messages of admiration and love don't contain any words they shouldn't, but it *might* take less, depending on whether we're drunk or on covert missions to Ann Summers at the time.