I shall let my pictures speak for themselves (they have been taken with my iPad and the purpose was not to take a "good" picture, so don't judge them!)
Ok turns out I have no clue where to find the pictures on my iPad to put on here... I'm starting to think I can only do it from my computer :S oops I'm not good with technology so... let me just say that my penis shaped pancaked were awesome and to dispel any myths: no, you cannot get pregnant from eating penis-shaped pancakes.
I shall now keep trying to figure out how to make this work... but for now some entertaining pictures of penis food

Shall upload my pancake adventure as soon as I can.
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It'll take us up to 48 hours to get round to making sure your heartfelt messages of admiration and love don't contain any words they shouldn't, but it *might* take less, depending on whether we're drunk or on covert missions to Ann Summers at the time.