Thursday, 31 January 2013

I'm a bad bad homojournalist...

...and I'm sorry. 
for what 
i don't know
is there a way to use like a 2 penny
what are you typing
i'm not revealing weird sex things i do with R....
wait are you writing some weird erotica, because i'd rather you just email me that
adddaaaammmmm.. can you open it
Ok now that's enough -.-"

sorry again, pc was taken over by asmodeous... 

Back to topic. Sex Myths.... that's a tricky one, I can think of many myths, but not any that I actually believed. My mother informed me too well.. and tv.. and sex ed. 

So, the sex myth I thought was everybody knows what BDSM is. Apparently there are people who don't O.o.. My mother had to sit me down and explain to me.. "There are kinky people, and there are not so kinky people.. vanilla people..."

There are also people who look like lego.. 


ps, Asmodeous just actually reminded me of one.. "if you cum in a swimming pool or a bath, you can get someone pregnant" I actually believed this when I was about 11 :') Yes, I was a strange child.. But hey, this was when I also thought a tampon was one of them things that you put in the loo to keep it fresh smelling 

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