Hola, Eli is my chosen name... I used to be elizabth, when my friends and I had a "Victorian/posh-alter-ego" phase, aged 13, but that has passed now. (now I'm 17 and allllll grown up >.< - clearly. ha.)
Normally I'd claim to be the most totally-innocent person in the world, but be secretly the most macabre and vulgar of our acquaintances, but thinking about our 'group', both are likely to be far far far from the case. Unless you haven't realized already, I will say it: we, not just us on our joyful Homo-journal, but our group of friends, are not reflective of the general population. We are all IB students, or survivors, and a high percentage of us are lgbt.. thats before I mention our clothes, our openminded-ness and what we do in our spare time. I think we allow ourselves to be more strange..
Although one of our group (a non-IBer, *shakes head* 'tis typical), told me I was weird, because my conversations tend to revolve around sex and death.. I'm a budding criminologist (is budding even a word?), if that counts as an explanation. I also have a dark sense of humor, and I feed off of other's awkwardness.. *shrugs* I'm an older sister, what do you expect?
I think stereotypes are pretty boxes, it's our way to categorize all the information we get. There are so many people in the world, that they appear so much easier to deal with if you put them in little categories, detailing their 'average behavior'. The problem is, human beings are too complex, and the more boxes you have, the harder it is to categories people, because Ms fatty is just spilling over into other boxes. My sexuality for example.. My friend S will vouch the fact that before I identified as queer (Aka, refuses to sit in a box), I was running around like a maniac, one box to another, because they didn't feel right, and I suffer from 'the grass is greener on the other side' syndrome. But queer is just what I use. Others can categorize me how they like: they can say I'm a lesbian (I'd prefer 'gay', I hate the word lesbian), because I have a girlfriend, or could say that I am bi, because I previously have had boyfriends. It doesn't make a difference to who I am, just makes it easier for them to deal with me.
That's how criminal profiling works right? 'we think the killer is strong because of the way he has strangled all of his victims..' and then they see if they can narrow down their suspects into categories 'to weak to even pick up sausages', 'flabby, but can obviously pick up large amounts of food', 'muscles!'...
So, to me, stereotypes are boxes. My favorite.. Ohhh, I don't know. I love it when people fit them completed, as much as when they completely don't. I also love the 'ignorant homophobes' them ones that don't really know better. I love the awkwardness >.<
I decided to try map out our homojournal stereotypes, and then get mel to illustrate for me, to prove stereotypes are not always correct :)
here goes:

(notice how I got bored.. and so it's not totally filled out... (sorry >.<)
So, this is the illustration by mel:

Oh no :/// it looks a tad too reflective.
Perhaps I can get away with this by saying that urm... we're all sitting in a perfectly fitting box, and it's great that we managed to create this box forourselves where we don't spill out too much? I mean, look at it, it doesn't have me eating sushi, or rollerskating, or attacking mel...
Eli x
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